How Do you Build an Army of Denarii's?
The answer? With a watchful eye, of course! Our first batch of Denarii mini's came in the mail recently. I wish we could say we were pleased as punch, but in truth the quality of the figures we ended up with didn't match the proof we'd been sent as a sample. The printer is unwilling to budge, so after a moment of blind rage we've decided to do another run of prints, this time with a different vendor. We're absolutely committed to making sure what you guys get looks and feels fantastic!
It's not all doom and gloom tho. Shof's still hard at work on the comic, and the pages coming in are lookng... *muah*... primo gusto!
That's it for now, we'll have another update soon. In the mean time, we'll leave you with the image of this dissenter in the ranks. Isn't he cute?